[09:47, Wednesday 15th October 2014: sitting at the open window overlooking a Stockwell street] Late to bed again last night. I just want to sit here and do nothing. There is quite a bit I should be getting on with, but I don't want to do any of it. I am unhappy. I hear the … Continue reading Presencing
Tag: discomfort
… when we take up occupation of the site of our bodies in stillness before God. We are granted a place to be, simply in virtue of being there as material beings made by God: the physical act of drawing breath becomes an affirmation of my receiving of the gift of my place, an acknowledgement … Continue reading Occupation
Sermon: St Peter’s, Vauxhall
(repeated St Anselm’s, Kennington, 17 March 2013) Making a good space My daughters can create chaos on the living room carpet, with dressing-up clothes strewn, books and magazines they have finished reading, drawings and pencils, and various animal soft-toys they have been making up stories about and role-playing with, sweet-wrappers and bits of cut-up paper. … Continue reading Sermon: St Peter’s, Vauxhall