“Where is God in all this?”
I am running a training day for spiritual directors in Guildford Diocese entitled, “Where is God in all this?”.
Here is the blurb:
“Where is God in all this?” is a question much-beloved of spiritual directors. However, if God is “in all things” then this question makes no sense. What is the purpose of this question? What are we really asking? What are better ways of addressing this? These questions get right to the heart of what spiritual direction is and what makes it different from other listening disciplines. This day will explore how we we might ask about God with those who come to talk with us.
The God we seek is here. As spiritual directors, our craft is to live this. On this day we will pray together, explore our notions of God, play with our craft, and seek courage to practise Presence.
Venue: Zoom
Date: Tuesday 1 December 2020
Time: 10.15am–4pm
Booking: through the Guildford Diocese list of spiritual directors
Hi Julian, How do people access the Guildford Day? Are they open to directors outside the Diocese? is there a charge? I hope you had a good retreat time.
Hi Joanna. It is only for people who are on the list of spiritual directors for the Guildford Diocese. If you are on that list, you will have received an invite from the person who organises the list. I don’t know about a charge.