Retreat day: Coming home (last call)

The truth is that we are always home. On this retreat day, we will explore coming home to our bodies, to ourselves, to the present, our own presence and The Presence, and to our place and purpose in the world. I will offer what I consider to be some important landscapes for exploration, but the journey and the destination are yours.

You only have to let the soft animal of your body
love what it loves.

Mary Oliver: Wild Geese

I will lead some prayer and meditative reflections. There will be times to think, reflect, and pray alone. There will be gentle and safe opportunities to talk with and listen to a few others.

When we take up occupation of the site of our bodies in stillness before God, we are granted a place to be, simply in virtue of being there as material beings made by God.

Rowan Williams: Lear and Eurydice

I am offering this day twice: Friday 18th and Saturday 19th June. There are 24 places each day. If you are interested in attending, please email (or use the Contact Page) saying whether you prefer Friday or Saturday or could do either.

Venue: Zoom sessions interspersed with times alone
Dates: 18 or 19 June 2021
Times: 10am–5pm BST
Cost: £30 (This is the suggested contribution. Please pay what you can reasonably afford.)

Resources for the retreat day


Background reading

Rowan Williams: Lear and Eurydice

Benedicta Ward: Discernment – A Rare Bird

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