How to find God in the humblest of things (V)

Being in God’s story is hard for humans because we can never know the meaning.

The meaning is in the being, not the understanding.

Everything you need is already given.

Do not try to invent or create a life where you will feel really alive.


4 thoughts on “How to find God in the humblest of things (V)

  1. Wow! That’s so profound in its utter brevity and simplicity. Says it all! Bravo il mio fratello! (Excuse the Italian influence!)

      1. Molto buono, grazie Julian! A lovely holiday, with a bonus for me of 2 half-days cooking with Devid’s grandmother, and learning authentic Italian cuisine. She has no English, but my sparse Italian, and the warmth of humanity enabled us both to have really enriching and very precious times.

        Trust all is well with you – how’s the back doing I really enjoy This Body – do you plan to publish it as a book eventually?



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