Evening train journey

This is not the the best of environments in which to pray and come home to myself: uncomfortable, noisy with people and air conditioning, and I am tired and ache. I would like to be home. But I know You are with me, and I do my best to abandon myself to You. I will meet You here. Indeed, You meet me here.

It is difficult to think of a train journey as anything other than a transition. I am waiting to arrive. But Your invitation is to see this as the place of continual arrival.

I aspire to this: to have no home; for everywhere to be home; to recognise that I am home, for there is nowhere else to go to be with You, nowhere You are not.

One thing have I asked of the Lord
and that alone I seek:
that I may dwell in the house of the Lord
all the days of my life.
Psalm 27


One thought on “Evening train journey

  1. Here and now, everywhere and always…the door is open. Shall I walk in? Shall I join the place where everything is the same and yet completely transformed?
    This invitation stops me in my tracks… .

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