Show me the place
Where you want your slave to go
Show me the place
I’ve forgotten, I don’t know
Show me the place
For my head is bending low
Show me the place
Where you want your slave to goShow me the place
Help me roll away the stone
Show me the place
I can’t move this thing alone
Show me the place
Where the Word became a man
Show me the place
Where the suffering beganThe troubles came
I saved what I could save
A thread of light
A particle a wave
But there were chains
So I hastened to behave
There were chains
So I loved you like a slaveShow me the place
Where you want your slave to go
Show me the place
I’ve forgotten, I don’t know
I am so moved by this song, both the lyrics and the arrangement. It is so tender, so lost.
I am lost.
I need You.
I need You to give me or tell me who I am.
I need You to tell me or give me what I am to do, how I am to live.
When I turn back to You from a receding future or an imagined past, my heart opens:
Give me the grace to love You, for that is enough for me.
Exx 234
But this is an open, uncertain, inconclusive ‘enough’.
You give no answers, only Yourself. You are the answer.
The thing is, I want to be the answer.
It’s tricky. Help me roll away the stone.