Very truly, I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God without being born of water and Spirit. John 3.5 I have understood something new about Lent this year. It starts with a question: Why did Jesus go into the wilderness immediately after his baptism? I’ve always imagined Jesus discerning who and what … Continue reading One needful Lenten discipline
Tag: jesus
Ignatian Scaffolding
In case you haven’t guessed, I am a big fan of Ignatian Spirituality. And with that couplet is the genesis of a problem. By using the phrase ‘Ignatian Spirituality’, I am already creating something that I’m not sure has much substance. I’m a fan of God and Jesus. I’m a fan of prayer. I’m a … Continue reading Ignatian Scaffolding
Lass auch Dir die Brust bewegen, Liebchen, höre mich!
Every year everything I have ever learned in my lifetime leads back to this: the fires and the black river of loss whose other side is salvation, whose meaning none of us will ever know. Mary Oliver: In Blackwater Woods I was listening to Radio 3 over breakfast on Wednesday. Bryn Terfel was interviewed and … Continue reading Lass auch Dir die Brust bewegen, Liebchen, höre mich!
Audio prayer: What do you desire?
What do you long for? What are your deepest wishes? Spirituality is how you live out your deepest longing, day by day, year by year, in and through all the ups and downs of life. Prayer begins with desire … Continue reading
Jesus’s Provocative Political Protest
My most primary concern right now actually involves three parts, each inter-related division corresponding to description, analysis, and prescription: the increasingly disfigured state of the planet and its inhabitants (human and otherwise), exemplified by the financial, ecological, ethical, and other crises;the ways in which capitalism (and its collaborating power structures, including “democracy”) fundamentally drives (and … Continue reading Jesus’s Provocative Political Protest